Mid-air plunge: Singapore Airlines flight drops 178 feet in 4 seconds

Mid-air plunge

International Desk: Mid-air plunge The Singapore Airlines flight from London, United Kingdom, to Singapore, fell 178 feet or 54 meters in just 4.6 seconds due to air turbulence.

This information has emerged in the preliminary investigation report of the Singapore-based investigative agency ‘The Transport Safety Investigation Bureau (TSIB)’.

According to the investigation report, the flight was proceeding normally. However, the flight hit the turbulence when it was flying over 37,000 feet or 11,300 meters in southern Myanmar.

According to the report, the aircraft fell from 37,362 feet to 37,184 feet in 4.6 seconds.

Mid-air plunge
Mid-air plunge

The investigating agency blamed the incident as a possible cause of the injuries to the crew and passengers on that flight. But their initial report said it was likely that those who were not wearing seatbelts were more injured.

Through the crew on that flight, the pilot learned that many passengers in the cabin were injured. As a result, the pilot made an emergency landing at Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

A British passenger, Geoff Kitchen, died when the flight was jolted mid-air due to air turbulence. British media BBC reported that some others were injured in the incident.

Ali Bukhari, who was on the flight, told the BBC that he was on the flight with his wife. They were in the position of seat belt obstruction. The plane seemed to be going straight down. It was a terrible experience. It felt like going straight down on a roller coaster.

Meanwhile, Singaporean investigators have extracted data stored on the flight’s data recorder and cockpit voice recorder.

It is said that the pilot was able to control the aircraft about 17 minutes after being hit by turbulence. However, the flight did not experience any turbulence until it landed in Bangkok.

104 injured passengers are being treated at Bangkok Hospital. Meanwhile, Singapore Airlines has said that it will bear the hospital expenses of the injured passengers and crew and cooperate with the investigation.

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According to reports, the Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-300ER aircraft was carrying 211 passengers and 18 crew members. The flight was scheduled to land at Singapore’s Changi International Airport at 6:10pm local time.


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